First Time Having Sex After Childbirth Bleeding Again

If you accept questions about postpartum sex, you are in the right place.

After reading this post, you volition larn everything you need to know near getting intimate after having your baby.

Specifically, y'all volition learn:

  • how long you should wait earlier having sex activity,
  • what to do if you have pain or bleeding during sex, and
  • tips on how to resume sex later nativity safely

Okay, permit'due south get started.



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Ok, moving on.

How long practise I accept to wait before having sex Postpartum?

Later on a vaginal commitment, y'all should await approximately 4-6 weeks before putting anything in your vagina.


Because this is the amount of fourth dimension information technology will take for

  • your trunk to bounce back from the delivery,
  • your vagina to repair itself, and
  • for your neck to close up and heal.

This is also the reason why your postpartum visit occurs 3-6 weeks after commitment.

At this visit, yous volition have a physical examination to look at your neck, and whatever vaginal or perineal tears sustained from childbirth.

Believe it or not, 2/three of all women volition feel some sort of laceration during the birthing process.

The bigger the laceration, the more time yous will need to let your vagina heal.

What If I Had A C-Section?

If you had a c-department, you lot should nevertheless wait 4-vi weeks to have sexual intercourse for other reasons.

#1. Your incisions need time to heal (and different sexual positions tin place a lot of strain on your abdomen)

#2. Your cervix might be sore- even though yous didn't accept a vaginal commitment, intercourse can only irritate your neck, causing significant pain.

#3. If you had an unplanned c-section, your cervix probably dilated a few centimeters and will need time to close support and heal.

Can I have sexual practice 3 weeks later on giving birth?

If you had a relatively uncomplicated normal vaginal delivery and you feel fix, you may be able to take sex 3 weeks subsequently giving nativity.

You are more likely to be able to have sex iii weeks postpartum if:

  • yous did not accept whatever stitches placed on your vagina or perineum,
  • you aren't experiencing any vaginal haemorrhage and
  • y'all aren't experiencing whatsoever significant pain

Merely exist sure, to give your health care provider a call to make sure there is no other reason why you lot would not be able to take sex activity sooner than 4-6 weeks.

What Happens If I Have Sex Before 6 weeks?

If you have sex before the 4-6 weeks postpartum, you may exist susceptible to an infection or disrupting the vaginal sutures that y'all had placed.

Hither's why.

The opening of the cervix is ordinarily the size of a pin.

In guild to have a full-term vaginal delivery, your cervix has to dilate to ~10 cm.

How large is 10cm?

The size of a full-term baby's head.

Ideally, you lot would want your cervix to close before putting anything in your vagina

Equally you lot could imagine, vaginal intercourse can push bacteria that is normally present inside the vagina, upward towards the cervix, and into the uterus causing an infection.

image of a closed cervix: having sex prior to 4-6 weeks can cause bacteria to enter your cervix and cause an infection

A uterine infection volition present with fever, chills, abdominal pain, and foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

You must let your doc know if you experience any of these symptoms.

As far as disruption of vaginal or perineal sutures goes…

…that is self-explanatory.

How long does it accept for the neck to close subsequently birth?

The neck can have anywhere from 4-vi weeks to close after giving birth.

Everyone is different.

The thought is that the cervix closes at the same rate as it takes for your uterus to render back to normal size.

What Does Sexual practice Feel Like After Postpartum?

Postpartum sex will experience different for every woman.

In general, many new moms report that postpartum sex is painful. This is totally normal – and usually indicates that you lot might need more fourth dimension to heal.

In addition, some women might feel "loose" while other women might feel "tight."

In lodge to understand this difference, we need to become over the concrete changes that happen during the delivery.

Kickoff, your vagina and pelvic floor muscles stretch significantly to accommodate the passage of your infant through the nascence canal.

If you lot did non experience any tear or laceration, you lot may feel "loose" because all these muscles have been stretched out.

In this case, I recommend y'all offset doing kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and regain the strength and elasticity of the pelvic muscles.

Now permit's become over why you might feel tight.

Why am I and then tight after having a baby?

If you lot experienced a deep vaginal tear/laceration, your doctor probably had to place a few stitches.

Depending on the location of the laceration, (as well as the extent of it) the stitches might pull your vaginal tissue more tightly than you are used to.

This is normal, and oftentimes necessary in guild for your vaginal tissue to heal evenly.

In this state of affairs, I recommend you try a water-based postpartum lube to help with penetration.

How Exercise I resume sex subsequently having a infant? (Postpartum Sex Tips)

So how do you resume sex after having a baby?

The number one piece of advice I can give you is…

Take your fourth dimension and listen to your trunk!

Information technology is normal for your self-confidence and your sexual desire (libido) to be low. At that place are many hormonal changes that your body is experiencing, which tin can also impact your mood.

In add-on, sex might exist painful for the first couple of weeks.

During this time, it'southward important that you:

  • Practice your kegel exercises
  • Talk with your partner well-nigh your expectations
  • Become some lubrication (as vaginal dryness is not uncommon postpartum)
  • Endeavour to make time for sex in the midst of everything (even if it ways getting a babysitter one dark a week)

Ways to be intimate after having a baby

Hither are some means yous could take concrete intimacy and spice up your sex life:

  • Cuddle with your partner equally much as you can
  • Get on a daily walk with your partner (with your stroller)
  • Take a hot shower together while the infant is sleeping
  • Leave to swallow once or twice a month while you go a bodyguard
  • Exchange massages with warm oils when you don't experience like having sex.

What Should I Do If Have Pain With Postpartum Sex?

Painful sex activity, (also known as dyspareunia), can occur subsequently childbirth for several reasons.

The most common things to look out for include:

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Fugitive painful position
  • Ensuring that your vagina has healed
  • Postpartum depression

Let'south go over each ane past i.

Vaginal dryness

After childbirth, your hormone levels are completely out of whack. In add-on, breastfeeding likewise interferes with your body'south ability to produce estrogen.

Estrogen is the hormone that keeps the vagina supple and lubricated.

As a result, these low levels of estrogen tin can lead to vaginal dryness.

Every bit you could imagine, this tin can make sexual activity very uncomfortable, especially the kickoff time you try penetrative sexual practice over again.

To overcome this, endeavour using this postpartum lube prior to intercourse that has pretty awesome reviews.

Sexual position

Depending on your anatomy, certain sexual positions can cause more pain than others.

Every bit always, don't rush into things and take it slow.

Beginning with positions that do not involve deep penetration as these positions could irritate your cervix and lead to increased sexual discomfort.

Endeavor the missionary position or a side-lying position.

Inadequate healing

If your vagina has not adequately healed from your commitment, you lot volition definitely experience pain with intercourse.

This is particularly true if you required stitches, as these need four-6 weeks to heal. Your medico will examine the lacerations at your postpartum visit to ensure that everything is healing appropriately.

Postpartum depression

Postpartum low (PPD) tin can also manifest in a variety of means including painful intercourse.

It can exist very difficult to differentiate normal postpartum changes from postpartum depression simply if you lot have experienced whatever of the following symptoms, you should speak with your healthcare provider and seek help ASAP.

Here are common symptoms of PPD.

  • Loss of interest in things that used to brand y'all happy
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Decreased energy
  • Unable to concentrate
  • Loss of appetite
  • Feeling that you are moving slowly
  • Thought of hurting yourself or others.

Is bleeding After Sexual practice Normal Postpartum?

It is normal to experience haemorrhage whenever you lot accept sex later on nascency. Haemorrhage after postpartum sex tin occur for i of several reasons:

Loose stitches

If one of the stitches that were placed in the vagina or perineum becomes loose and pops off during vaginal penetration, y'all can begin to feel bleeding from your vagina.

This tin be a trouble especially if you had a deep vaginal tear that required multiple sutures.

If the bleeding does not cease later 1-2 hours, you should seek medical attention.

Vaginal dryness

In the postpartum period, yous have decreased levels of estrogen, especially if you are breastfeeding. This tin can cause the vagina to lose its lubrication.

The penetration of dry tissue can cause continuous friction, leading to mucosa breakdown and bleeding.

Expulsion of blood already in the Uterus

Engaging in sex likewise soon could also lead to bleeding during sexual activity as the uterus is notwithstanding contracting down to its pre-pregnancy size.

While the uterus is contracting downward, any clots or tissue that was left inside the uterus will be evacuated.

This could even occur during orgasm, as the uterus can contract and miscarry whatsoever remaining claret products inside of information technology.

vaginal-bleeding could occur during an orgasm as the uterus contracts

Other Related Questions

Can I have an orgasm subsequently giving birth?

Yes, you lot tin can have an orgasm later giving nativity. At that place is no medical contraindication to achieving climax as long as you have been cleared by your provider to resume sexual activity.

With that said, you lot may notice increased difficulty in achieving orgasm afterward commitment due to the changes in your hormones.

How soon can you have an orgasm after giving birth?

You tin can begin external clitoral stimulation as soon as you feel comfortable to do so.

However, it is important to ensure that yous don't have any peri-clitoral lacerations or stitches near the clitoris.

Why can't I climax postpartum?

There are several reasons why you may not be able to climax after giving nascence.

The most common reasons include:

  • Low sexual practice drive
  • Mental fatigue
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Postpartum low

Mental Fatigue

1 of the most common reasons is that you lot might have A LOT on your mind.

You are yet healing from your delivery, you are sleep-deprived, your eating habits have changed, and your cocky-confidence might non exist what it used to be.

In improver, your listen is constantly thinking most what your baby needs, how frequently you lot need to breastfeed, who is going to fold the laundry, why y'all still wait pregnant, if your husband nonetheless finds you bonny, etc.

It is perfectly normal to experience overwhelmed.

Reaching orgasm requires a state of comfort and relaxation.

Lack of Sleep

How many hours of sleep are you getting each night?

When was the last time you lot had uninterrupted sleep for 6-eight hours?

In that location are studies that have really demonstrated the direct association between longer sleep duration and greater sexual desire.

Manifestly, getting quality slumber at this fourth dimension is a lot easier said than done.

I recommend, getting a babysitter or family unit member to assistance yous out a few times a week then that you tin can get a full night'south slumber once in a while.

Y'all volition be surprised at the difference in your stress levels, eating habits, and want for sexual activity.

sleep deprivation may be the reason why you cannot reach climax

Postpartum Depression

The final reason why yous might not exist able to orgasm is that you lot might have postpartum depression (PPD).

This is a serious condition that requires medical attending.

Symptoms of PPD include feelings of sadness, guilt, hopelessness, lack of interest, and inability to bond with your babe.

This also includes a lack of sexual desire.

Studies take shown that women with PPD have significantly worse sexual satisfaction.

If y'all think you lot have PPD – please seek care As Presently Every bit POSSIBLE!

What would happen if I had sex activity 2 weeks after giving birth?

If you accept sex 2 weeks later giving nascence, you lot will increase your gamble of hemorrhage (especially if yous had stitches) and uterine infection.

Can I get pregnant 2 weeks after giving birth?

It is unlikely that you will get pregnant 2 weeks after giving birth. With that said, your torso can resume normal menstrual cycles and begin ovulating every bit early as 6-8 weeks after birth.

Therefore, information technology is important that you accept a reliable method of birth control either before you exit the hospital or by the time y'all get to your postpartum visits.

Can I use condoms after nascence?

Yep, yous can use condoms after nativity.

Condoms are a decent method of barrier contraception and protect you against sexually transmitted diseases.

More constructive forms of birth control include pills (yous volition need progesterone-just pills if breastfeeding, the implant, the copper IUD, or the progesterone releasing IUD.

How shortly after nascency can you get pregnant?

The American Higher of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends an inter-delivery interval (from ane delivery to the next) of at to the lowest degree eighteen months. Assuming a nine-month pregnancy, you should wait at to the lowest degree nine months postpartum earlier getting significant again.

All the same, it is possible to get pregnant sooner, fifty-fifty if y'all are breastfeeding and don't have regular periods.

Having a brusk inter-pregnancy interval will increase your risk of having a preterm delivery.

Make sure to take a visit with your principal care doc to talk over contraception.

When will my flow come dorsum after delivery?

Your postpartum menstruation should return approximately six-viii weeks after your commitment if you are non breastfeeding.

If yous are breastfeeding, your menses may not come up back until you stop breastfeeding equally the hormones normally responsible for causing y'all to menstruate, are being inhibited.

How long should sex last postpartum?

On boilerplate, studies accept shown that sex activity can last anywhere from iii-13 minutes.

When attempting sex for the outset few times later on childbirth, take it slow.

Don't blitz.

Your body is still going through some amazing changes and recovering from the birthing procedure.

Brand sure you are comfortable and exist sure to communicate with your partner.

Final Words on Sex Later on Birth

Sexual health postpartum is very important and something you shouldn't ignore.

Be sure to speak with your dr. and hold off on resuming sex if you are still bleeding, experiencing hurting, or simply don't feel ready.

Now I desire to hear from you.

When did you resume sex after infant?

Which challenges did you face?

Comment below and allow me know!

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Brittany N Robles, Doc, MPH, CPT

Brittany Robles is a full-time OBGYN, a NASM certified personal trainer, and health & fettle, expert. She holds a Masters of Public Health degree in maternal health with a special interest in practise and nutrition. She is also the co-author of The White Coat Trainer. Acquire more about her hither.

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