Me Again Be Careful What You Pray for

Be Careful What y'all Pray for, considering in that location is Power in Prayer — await what happened to Me.

Have you lot always institute yourself in the state of affairs where yous were desperately in need of some coin but you had no form of income or you lot didn't know exactly where information technology would come from?

That happened to me, except, every bit a Christian, I knew that God was not only some far away deity in the sky, but someone who promised emphatically to meet all my needs when I pray and believe in him as my heavenly father; fifty-fifty if yous don't believe in God, delight read what happened to me, twenty 4 years agone, and I hope that someone out there tin find the same comfort and same balls that God truly cares securely virtually y'all and me, and that when you lot have no earthly place or person to turn to for financial support, at that place is someone who has promised to see all your needs.

Really, information technology's written in the Bible, in the book of Philippians 4:19, which says: "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." But earlier meeting our needs at that place's a condition. Can you see the condition in the promise we just read? — it says, God will supply all our needs, according to his glorious generosity in his Son Jesus Christ, but on his conditions not our own, of which the virtually important is your demand to return your allegiances to Jesus Christ; only fifty-fifty if you tin't do that, now, at least read my story, for information technology could be a source of inspiration for you lot.Otherwise, y'all may never know, you are actually just i prayer away from experiencing a phenomenon, which one time you feel, you will be pleasantly surprised and this could be the smallest, greatest determination of your life, considering only those who experience him, can actually believe in him; it means, believing in God is impossible unless you experience God's love for yourself, and he supplies the nigh amazing miracle in your life by showing up by the power of God'due south existent and tangible presence — which is the Holy Spirit; please, may I ask you to read on if you lot don't empathize.

I found myself in such a situation when I was a "poor" student but because I was a Christian, I had hope because whenever I am in a desperate situation which is way over my head and mode over my resources, I know there is e'er someone who I tin turn to, who is non but the richest person in the world but who knows my every demand and weakness, fifty-fifty earlier I ask him to aid me; and just as chiefly, even if, or should I say, when our prayers are non being answered in our timing, God loves us then much that he sends his assurance and peace in the form of his Holy Spirit, who is our greatest Comforter, to encourage us when nosotros feel discouraged, to comfort usa with the physical and tangible feeling of peace, to requite u.s.a. the hope and faith to acquit on when we notwithstanding are feeling hungry for God's provision; this is where this religion of Christianity stands caput and shoulders in a higher place any other religion because, you and I, when we believe in Jesus Christ, we are given not simply his wonderful and precious promises, only too his exceedingly bully power to dorsum up those promises and back us upward when our hands and hearts are growing limp.

What other religion does that? What other religion promises to empower united states with a real sense of being loved and actually fills our hearts and minds with a power that can heal our deepest needs. When we experience discouraged, the Holy Spirit is given to us to calm our anxious thoughts and hearts and fill the states with the tangible feeling of peace — a profound sense of peace and assurance that God is truly our Father who knows our every need, and loves united states both unlimitedly and unconditionally, who moves in our lives when we trust him as little, great, humble children of God. This is why I phone call Christianity, non a organized religion, foremost, just a relationship built on organized religion and exceedingly ability promises.

Here'south one of those Bible promises given to the states when we are feeling anxious:

"The Lord is near. Do not be broken-hearted about anything, only in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And in exchange, receive the peace of God, which overides your minds and your hearts and guards them in Christ Jesus.(Philippians four:4–7)

Jesus Christ, himself, said these words well-nigh his heavenly begetter:

"And when y'all pray, practise not be like the hypocrites, for they love to stand praying in their synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, become into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And so your Father, who sees what y'all do in underground, volition reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans pray vain repetition prays, who think they will be heard because of their many words. Do non be similar them, for your Father knows what you lot demand before you inquire him." (Matthew 6:five–viii)

Just I know that for any of these Bible promises to become agile and living in my life and your life, nosotros have to receive them past religion into our hearts because the Bible explicitly says these words: "Without organized religion it is impossible to please God, for anyone who comes to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who diligently seek him." (Hebrews eleven:6)

My Experience of a Phenomenon

There were many a time when I hadn't plenty money to buy the next meal,merely when I prayed, the adjacent twenty-four hour period, I plant on my doormat my kind parents had remembered to send me five pounds through the post, or otherwise, the money arrived in another form — or alternatively, in the form of a kind person inviting me for tea or a hearty dinner.

Of form, I had other needs — for example, I knew that the holiday season was fast approaching when u.s. students had three weeks off. The following month was the Easter Vacation season and there was nothing more that I wanted than to spend this fourth dimension with my girlfriend, who is, by God'southward grace provision and Providence, my married woman now, just who happened to exist a Korean living thousand miles manner at the fourth dimension — that's another story but yous can read about that story at some other Commodity at the following address:

Therefore, my deepest desire was to fly to Republic of korea past Easter holiday and spend three weeks dating my girlfriend, and also I had exceedingly other of import business to deal with in that country which just I could be charged with accomplishing; that business organisation was the assignment to brand the proposition to my girlfriend and ask her for her hand in marriage, and to and then try and arroyo her Father with the aforementioned proposal for the hand of his girl ( incidentally, you can guess that in Due south East asia, all formalities have still not gone out the window, in spite of about Eastern nations following the culture or commercialism of the West, peculiarly, the United states of americaA. culture).

However, before doing business with this family, I beginning needed to do business with God. And, of grade, when I say business, I mean, of course, an exchange between ii different persons where two persons interact and are transformed. And in our relationship with God, he is the Senior Partner and knows I what's best. Simply when I interact with God, I always come away transformed, if I have prayed the simple prayer, "Your will exist washed, not my own." In other words, I lay my own volition and desires at the cross first and ask him what God'southward will is. And I know he knows what is my prayer and demand before I inquire him, and his promise is for me and yous and that he does abundantly more to a higher place all we could inquire or imagine, according to his wonderful riches and kindness in Christ Jesus.

I desperately needed money to travel but since the toll of a return ticket to Republic of korea was £750, where could I discover vii hundred and fifty pounds as a "poor" student? Yes, equally a "poor" educatee, but more importantly, who had the richest of Fathers in sky, who knows me intimately and is waiting for me to pray and trust his unfailing and unending dearest.

Of course, in sky there's no money although in that location'due south tones of gilt and precious stones merely at that place isn't any money, simply here on Earth, he deals with hearts and his currency is love — he has his "ambassadors" who practice his bidding — either angelic type or human "celestial blazon"; if people call difficult enough and have a need which is a righteous need which means there is for something good,n faith and sincerity, God is ready to do a miracle, but as long as nosotros have fifty-fifty the smallest of organized religion, and are walking in obedience.

Well, I knew that marriage was ordained by God simply between a man and adult female who we both believers in God, and and then, if it was God'southward will for me to marry this lady, I knew that my proposal would be successful; that's very important to establish — I mean God'due south will because if yous are not in the will of God then nil volition movement sky and world except praying — and praying until you receive the assurance of God's Spirit that he has not but heard you only promises or flooded your center with assurance that he will do co-ordinate to your prayer of faith. In other words, prayer does motion the mitt of God, and then when y'all or I pray we become the nearly powerful man on this earth; still, if it is definitely never the will of God, and so yet long or hard you pray, you lot won't be able to open the window of heaven that God has firmly shut!

But all I could do was pray. Simply before praying, I recollect sharing my prayer brunt with a friend and fellow student who was too a Christian; I discussed the matter with him and explained that my trip was very of import and it was crucial that I went in gild to get engaged to the Korean young lady; He suggested that we meet together every mean solar day, to pray about the matter. He said in the Bible there was a promise from Jesus in the book of Matthew, Chapter 18, verse 19 "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you inquire for, it will be done for y'all past my Father in sky." My friend suggested that nosotros agree together to ask God to supply the need for my air ticket to Korea and to ask him to exercise according to his promise in the Scripture we read together from the book of Matthew Chapter 18; We both met each twenty-four hour period for about three days, each time reading this Scripture and lifting our easily and our faith to sky; I could feel that when my friend and brother in the Lord were continuing on this promise of Jesus Christ, agreeing to believe God is our Father who is more willing to respond I to our faith, and more than a that, I to respond I to his promises I from the Bible.

Our motive for praying and our prayer was worded so that we ended the prayer with words such equally, "We pray this so we tin glorify Jesus Christ when you transport your miracle and confirm the hope of your give-and-take." We had done our best, with the organized religion in God's promises, and now we waited for God to practise the rest.

Most three days after, during the forenoon, another swain educatee and friend told me he was on his style to the local town about two miles away chosen Crewe, in the Northward East if England. He was going to visit the local travel agent as he needed to book a flying to Switzerland to visit his girlfriend. He invited me to join him as he was taking his auto. I said that I could also inquire about a ticket in my case, to South Korea; so, a few minutes after we both were continuing in front of one of the desks in the local travel agents in Crewe where a lady sabbatum in forepart of her reckoner.

Subsequently my friend had finished receiving his quotation for a return ticket to Switzerland, I approached the lady and asked her if she could give me a quote for the cheapest return ticket to Seoul, Korea. She looked downwards once again at her computer, and, after pressing a few buttons on her keyboard, scribbled a figure downwards on a slice of paper which she handed to me; she had written down the figure "£750." When I saw that figure, the thought that went through my heed was, "Only God could supply me that figure."

My friend and I walked out of the shop and returned to our Campus. Equally the ii of u.s. were walking the stoney path that leads from the student's automobile park to our halls of residence, I remembered I had not however checked my morn'due south post rack to see if I had received anything in the postal service. I turned to my friend and said to him, "Peter, I need to check my mail, I'll see yous later, thanks for the elevator." I walked beyond the path which led from the Halls of Residence to the primary building equally the stones made a audio on my shoes similar walking on the beach; I entered i door and climbed the stairs to the superlative of the building where on the left side was a wooden rack for students post. The letter rack independent the alphabet for placing peoples' letter and small packages. I scanned the messages until I came to the letter "B" and suddenly noticed there was a unmarried white envelope. I removed information technology and the first matter I noticed was that it had my proper name on the flap in typed black messages. I opened the envelope and noticed it independent money which I realized there was a fifty pound note; but underneath information technology looked similar there was some more than paper, which after lifting the small wad of paper and unfolding the notes, I found, to my delight that there was seven well-baked 50 denomination pound notes which added to 350 pounds. I returned to the stoney path to make my style back to my room. The Lord had then wonderfully and quickly supplied my need and I was excited that my airline ticket was well in the process of being supplied from sky by a kind and praying messenger whose heart God had moved; Jesus Christ had sent me his beautiful miracle and gift of a friend somewhere who had been used to begin supplying my demand of buying that airline ticket.

That same solar day, in the evening I decided to make a phone call to a friend of a friend who had been kind enough to help me before find a inexpensive air ticket to Korea. At this time he was working equally some director. I looked up his number to ask him if he could give me some other favour and expect on his computer at work to see the cheapest flight to Korea was. Surely, it would be a amend deal than the 750 pounds I had been quoted at the travel agent that morning. This friend of a friend at that time happened to piece of work in the Sales Department of an airline which chartered commercial flights twice a calendar week to Seoul; Subsequently finding the number, I dialed and soon I was speaking with the kind gentleman who had helped me before to make my dreams come true when I commencement had a desire to visit Korea for the first time; that trip had been successful in a number of areas including my social life considering now I was thanking the admirer once more for his assist in securing my ticket before likewise as explaining that I needed to render to Korea on unfinished business; in other words, I explained I had met a young lady who I intended to become engaged to during my second visit to Korea. The voice at the other end of the phone said, "Congratulations!" with warmth and surprise in his voice. He said that if I was to phone him the adjacent solar day, effectually the same time, that he could, in the concurrently, look up on his computer to see the best price for a return ticket to Seoul, Korea.

The post-obit evening, I telephoned him again and he said that he had found a ticket for me. I asked him how much the ticket was to which he replied, "4 hundred pounds, simply at that place's a surcharge."

I thought, "Get set — what'southward that?" I asked, "How much is that?"

He replied, "Ten pounds." I was relieved it was only ten pounds considering I was easily on target of my fiscal burden, or should I say my heavenly father was, now I had given all my burdens to him at the Cross.

I exclaimed "Halleluyah" down the phone and thanked the gentleman at the other end; I said I would need to raise just fifty pounds more to secure the ticket and I asked him to kindly reserve the ticket and that I would telephone him again in one or two days. Anyway, the next day I chosen into my local bank and asked them to give me a pupil bank account of which I was entitled to spend fifty pounds debt; this was where the Lord supplied the balance of the fee for my air ticket, therefore, the post-obit calendar month I was reunited with my girlfriend and I was able to pop the question which went down very favourably,


God as well, has his many messengers on earth in the form of human "angels" (his own people) as well as real angels in heaven to help and assist us, but the greatest help fir us in the form of his Holy Spirit, who Jesus Christ referred to equally The Helper — and in that location's a good reason for that; listen to these words which Jesus Christ promised to his disciples just before he was going to go out them, physically. After spending three years with them, he promised to not leave them equally "orphans" merely to give them Another Helper, exactly the replicate of him, and indeed that promise of the Holy Spirit is for you and me equally his believers, to comfort and assist us in our time of need:

"If you love me, you will obey what I control. And I will inquire the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with y'all forever — the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because information technology neither sees him nor knows him. But you lot know him, for he lives with you lot and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I volition come to you." (John 14:fifteen–18)

If you are in a like situation to me, then, earlier God does business with you, you need to do some business concern with him, if you know what I mean. I hateful can you really come before God humbly acknowledging him equally the I merely 1 who is qualified to have all your burdens and pain, which he did when he died on the cross; that cede has immense meaning considering he who the Male monarch of kings became the image of poverty and the scum of the earth when he died a criminal's expiry, tortured and scourged at the hands of his Jewish and Roman persecutors; but the proficient news is he didn't die in vain but for a profound reason: He became poor so that we could become rich.

The best style you tin can understand my words is by giving God the opportunity to work within your life, and so to get the brawl running on that, please would y'all show him even the barest of atomic-sized faith past praying with me, considering, the Bible says, "For without faith it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews eleven:six)

That'southward why Jesus saved u.s. two 1000 years ago and that'south why he has promised to save u.s. likewise every day, every hour, in every and whatsoever state of affairs if demand, when nosotros come to him in our hour of need. I don't know what y'all need at this time, yous need financially saving, or mentally or emotionally saving, but I do know that our nearly important salvation and priority is start to be saved from spiritual blindness, poverty, and ultimately death, so we first need to get our hearts right before God.For our greatest poverty is our need of God, and Jesus became the scum of the globe and the poorest of poor on the cross then y'all tin exist the richest of richest.If you don't believe that please read this hope which you tin have to the bank of sky:

"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes, he became poor, then that you through his poverty might become rich." (2 Corinthians 8:9, NIV Bible)


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