Conduct an impromptu interview with these funny questions to ask kids about their parents. I guarantee that their answers will be both enlightening and HILARIOUS! Ask them all or just choose a few! Keep record of their answers and the age they were when they answered them for them to look back at later!  Or share their answers on social media and challenge your friends to ask their kids the same things!

Sporadic interview questions are one of myfavorite things to do with my 3 year old. I will ask her the same series of questions just about every month. It's so fun to watch as some answers remain consistent while others fluctuate or change drastically over a short amount of time!

This is also why I use interview questions when I write updates to her birth mother. It is an easy way to show your child's personality and who they are at different developmental stages. It's a great way to see what they are thinking and learn more about who they are.

Related Post: Why I Love Open Adoption

Asking your child questions about themselves is fun, but asking your child questions about (you) their parents is HILARIOUS!

You never know what they will say to some of the simplest of questions. Better yet, hearing their logic behind their answers can sometimes be even more enriching than the answer itself!

I challenge you to take this list of 88 funny questions to ask kids about their parents and try NOT to laugh as you interview them!


funny questions to ask kids about their parents

88 Funny Questions to Ask Kids About Their Parents:

  1. If mom/dad was a cartoon character, who would they be?
  2. If mom/dad turned into an animal, what would they be?
  3. What place reminds you the most of mom/dad?
  4. If mom/dad was a toy, what would they be?
  5. What is mom/dad'sfavorite movie?
  6. Who is mom/dad'sfavorite school friend of yours?
  7. Who is more likely to say yes to having a sleepover?
  8. Who is more likely to say yes to skipping school/playing hooky?
  9. Who is more likely to fall asleep during a movie, mom/dad?
  10. What is mom/dad'sfavorite color?
  11. What is mom/dad'sfavorite food?
  12. What is mom/dad'sfavorite dinner?
  13. What is mom/dad'sfavorite snack?
  14. What is mom/dad'sfavorite thing to say?
  15. What is mom/dad'sfavorite thing to do?
  16. What is mom/dad's job?
  17. What do they do at work?
  18. What is mom/dad'sfavorite story?
  19. What is mom/dad'sfavorite summer activity?
  20. What is mom/dad'sfavorite fall activity?
  21. What is mom/dad'sfavorite winter activity?
  22. What is mom/dad'sfavorite spring activity?
  23. What is mom/dad'sfavorite book?
  24. What is mom/dad'sfavorite type of candy?
  25. What is mom/dad'sfavorite type of dessert?
  26. What is mom/dad'sfavorite type of clothes?
  27. What is mom/dad'sfavorite way to show you they love you?
  28. If mom/dad went to school with you. What would mom/dad'sfavorite school lunch be?
  29. What was mom/dad'sfavorite subject in school?
  30. Where is mom/dad'sfavorite place to eat?
  31. Where is mom/dad'sfavorite place to go?
  32. What is mom/dad'sfavorite board game?
  33. What is mom/dad'sfavorite season?
  34. What is mom/dad'sfavorite station on the radio?
  35. What is mom/dad'sfavorite activity?
  36. What is mom/dad'sfavorite animal?
  37. What is mom/dad'sfavorite hobby?
  38. What is mom/dad'sfavorite song?
  39. What is mom/dad'sfavorite toy?
  40. What is mom/dad'sfavorite weird food combination?
  41. What is mom/dad'sfavorite restaurant?
  42. What is mom/dad'sfavorite vegetable?
  43. What is mom/dad'sfavorite TV show?
  44. What is mom/dad'sfavorite breakfast?
  45. How old is mom/dad?
  46. What is mom/dad'sfavorite fruit?
  47. What is mom/dad'sfavorite meal?
  48. What is mom/dad'sfavorite outfit?
  49. What is mom/dad's favorite sport?
  50. What is mom/dad the best at?
  51. What is mom/dad the worst at?
  52. Where did mom/dad go to (high)school/college?
  53. Was mom/dad in any clubs/sport in school? Which ones?
  54. What would mom/dad be voted "most likely to…" in school?
  55. Who was the bigger dork in high school, mom/dad?
  56. Who is mom/dad's best friend?
  57. What does mom/dad do in their free time?
  58. If mom/dad was a kid again, would you be friends with him/her?
  59. What is mom/dad'sfavorite time of year? Favorite holiday?
  60. If mom/dad was a famous person, who would they be? Why?
  61. If mom/dad had a super power, what would it be? Why?
  62. What is mom/dad's real name?
  63. What is mom/dad's middle name?
  64. What is mom's maiden name?
  65. How tall is mom/dad?
  66. What color hair does mom/dad have?
  67. Does mom/dad dye their hair?
  68. What color eyes does mom/dad have?
  69. What size shoe does mom/dad wear?
  70. What size shirt does mom/dad wear?
  71. What does mom/dad do that is most annoying to you?
  72. What does mom/dad do that is most embarrassing?
  73. Who would be most likely to survive on a desert island, mom/dad?
  74. Who is the better dancer, mom/dad?
  75. Who is the better cook, mom/dad?
  76. Who is the better dresser, mom/dad?
  77. Who gives the best hugs, mom/dad?
  78. Who eats the weirdest food, mom/dad?
  79. Who is more embarrassing, mom/dad?
  80. Who got in trouble more when they were younger, mom/dad?
  81. Who is older, mom/dad?
  82. Who is funnier, mom/dad?
  83. Who is smarter, mom/dad?
  84. Who is more fun, mom/dad?
  85. Who would win in a fight, mom/dad?
  86. Who listens to better music, mom/dad?
  87. Who picks better movies, mom/dad?
  88. Who is the better driver, mom/dad?


funny questions to ask kids about their parents

I hope that you enjoyed this list of funny questions to ask kids about their parents!

And I hope that you that you didn't bust a gut laughing too hard at your child's answers! If you are looking for more activities to do with you child, make sure to check out my recent article, Sensory Science Activity Ideas for a Rainy Day!


